How to Make an Airsoft Granade

How to Make an Airsoft Granade

  1. 1

    Open a regular plastic Easter egg.

  2. two

    Drill or cut out the little pigsty in the bottom.


  3. three

    Insert a firecracker (types may vary), and stick the wick out of the hole (M90'due south are cheap, small, and very powerful). Be certain to make the wick long enough for someone to be able to get abroad in fourth dimension.

  4. 4

    Fill the grenade with some cheap or inexpensive 6mm plastic Bbs.

  5. 5

    Close the Easter egg.

  6. 6

    Calorie-free the fuse advisedly.

  7. 7

    Throw the egg at the target.


  1. 1

    Obtain some inexpensive water balloons, and some cheap Bulletin board system.

  2. 2

    Use a speed loader to load about 50 BBs into the airship.

  3. iii

    Push button the BBs downwards to the bottom of the airship when you lot take filled it.

  4. 4

    Blow the balloon upwardly to the size of a human being fist. Add together about 10 mm of water

  5. 5

    This balloon volition shatter on impact


. .

  1. 1

    Add together another 50 Bulletin board system and practice the same affair.

  2. ii

    Obtain two film canisters but take away the caps of the canister.

  3. 3

    Fill the canisters halfway with 6mm plastic Bbs.

  4. 4

    Stretch a safe band effectually the two canisters.

  5. v

    Slide a piece of cardboard in between the canisters.

  6. 6

    Take out the cardboard.

  7. vii

    Throw the canisters at the target.


  1. 1

    Become a Ping Pong brawl and some BB's

  2. two

    Cut a minor rectangle nigh the length of the tip of your finger out of the brawl

  3. 3

    Fill the ball up with as many BB'southward as desired

  4. 4

    Put a piece of tape over the hole so the BB's exercise not fall out in your pocket

  5. v

    When ready to throw, accept tape off and encompass with your finger, throw side-armed over target(south) Yous tin can also do this with newspaper if you tin end up making the ball


  1. one

    Find a used shotgun shell or chapstick and fill it about halfway with dirt. [1]

  2. 2

    Put a greenish fuse firecracker in and fill up the balance of the shell with dirt. [ii]

  3. 3

    Put a small pigsty in a slice of newspaper and put the fuse though the hole.

  4. four

    Secure the paper with rubber bands.


  1. 1

    Get a sail of paper and make an origami h2o bomb.

  2. 2

    Utilize a speed loader or funnel and load it to about three fourths capacity with plastic 6mm Bulletin board system.

  3. three

    Take a Light-green fused firecracker and place it in the h2o flop's pigsty fuse side upwardly (or apply a canteen rocket with the stick removed).

  4. four

    Place the rocket fuse side up through the water bomb's hole in the summit.

  5. 5

    Be very careful with it. The explosion Can prepare the newspaper on burn.

  6. six

    (NOTE: Don't use too strong of an explosive, brand sure it tin can't do any serious damage if something goes wrong)


  1. 1

    Take a plastic sandwich bag, and fill about 1/3 with vinegar. [3]

  2. two

    Identify 6mm BB's into the vinegar

  3. three

    Accept a tissue or paper towel and shake some blistering soda (non baking powder) and fold the tissue or paper towel to completely surround the baking soda

  4. 4

    Place the blistering soda filled tissue or paper towel in the bag do not let the tissue or paper towel affect the vinegar until you are ready to throw the grenade

  5. 5

    When y'all are ready to throw the grenade allow the tissue or paper towel to make contact with the vinegar once the vinegar makes contact with the baking soda a gas will be released causing the bag to expand so once information technology hits a solid object it will blow upward. [four]

  6. half-dozen

    NOTE: The Handbag must be firmly closed otherwise the gas will escape from the bag making the grenade useless


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  • Question

    How can I make ane out of a plastic bottle?

    Community Answer

    Fill the bottle with BBs and 3 or 4 firecrackers. Cut a modest pigsty in the chapeau for the fuse and pull the fuse through, and so light the fuse and throw.

  • Question

    Will these shoot out shrapnel?


    That depends on how y'all aim. If you lot're throwing technique is good enough, then you will be able to throw at an aiming bespeak.

  • Question

    What is a firecracker?

    Community Answer

    A firecracker is a loud, explosive firework, typically wrapped in paper and lit with a fuse.

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  • Utilize a water bottle instead of a plastic bag on the last version.

  • The fewer Bbs in, the more than they will shoot.

  • The ping pong method works all-time when you lot cut the ball in one-half and tape it loosely together.

  • Use some sandpaper (NOT A Power SANDER!) to scrape off some of the plastic on the egg with the Easter egg method.

  • Always wear rubber glasses.

On the final method, if using a bottle, milk shake it well earlier throwing.

  • Only try under close adult supervision.

  • If you have some, effort using soft Bulletin board system instead of hard ones.

Thanks for submitting a tip for review!


  • For methods involving firecrackers, always utilize green fuse firecrackers. Greyness fuse firecrackers will accident upwardly right later on y'all lite them.

  • Do not throw at moving objects.

  • If used for an airsoft fight, do non throw direct at person, throw at ground one–2 feet (0.3–0.6 m) abroad from target.

  • This can be dangerous. Wearable protective gear and do not exist reckless.


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How to Make an Airsoft Granade

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